Monday, March 8, 2010

The Do’s and Don’ts for Traveling and Still Staying Fashionable


Let’s start with the don’ts first. Had to get this out of the way quick fast and in a hurry! Why do people come to the airport with the biggest Louis Victor’s they can find? (LMAO) Instead of representing Louis Vuitton in the proper light, they would rather walk around with their noses in the air and there knock off replicas in their possession. You know you have seen the ones in the airport causing a scene; because they want everyone to know they have just bought the best Louis Victor’s from the Alley in L.A. or Canal Street in New York! These individuals tickle me. They walk with such pride like they’ve just dropped $2,000 dollars or more on designer luggage. Then, what puts the icing on the cake; these same people strut their stuff with all their so called Louis Vuitton carry-on’s and have the nerve to fly on a buddy pass sitting in Coach!... (LMAO) PEOPLE GET IT TOGETHER!!!!

Pet peeve number 2. Ladies… Why do you feel the need to wear the tightest, sexiest, most revealing clothes to the airport? We are not going to the club or auditioning for the next music video. We are going to be on an airplane that is pretty much uncomfortable for an hour or more. I know we’re all trying to look our best because you never know who you will meet and it would be great to catch a pilot’s eye. As women, we always have hidden agendas on why we operate the way we do; but let’s do it with a lot more class ladies.

Last but definitely not least; fashion traveling mistake number 3. People; let’s stop getting on the plane without the proper utensils in order to keep you fresh. Be polite!

Keep breath mints, gum, baby wipes, a skin moisturizer and a great fragrance to keep you smelling delectable. Haven’t you sat by someone that BO was so strong that it smelled like their Right Guard went left and Secret told on them hours ago? Sure you have, we all have or maybe that person has been you. Keep a clear zip lock bag of small refreshments. I love Kerstin Florian Spa Face Aromatherapy. This spray is excellent for refreshing and soothing the face and body. $35, I love Very Hollywood by Michael Kors. It’s very exotic and makes the men go GAGA you can purchase a bottle for $85 at Neiman Marcus. Men try Antidote by Victor & Rolf. The ladies will always want to be close to you. Grab your fragrance at Saks Fifth Avenue for $90. I live by Huggies baby wipes in Shea Butter. These easy to keep pick me uppers will have you clean and soft like a baby. Can’t get to soap and water? Baby wipes are the saviors of the day! Also, always have great breath! Keep minty flavors like the ones from Orbitz gum or go tropical with the delicious flavors from Trident. Keep these tips and you will be clever in your dress and never smell a mess

Now that we have covered the don’ts of traveling, let’s venture into the more positive side of things! Do come to the airport with nice luggage. You don’t have to have designer names in order to feel in style. You can get very nice sets for discounted prices at Wal-Mart, Ross, T.J. Max and Marshalls. Get something solid and classic or have fun and grab something with a print. If designer is more your speed, go with your budget and get the real designer merchandise. How would you feel walking through the airport and you spot a horrible rendition of your luggage set? Remember, designer doesn’t make you better or clever. Style makes you a trendsetter!

Ladies! Do come to the airport in something cute and comfortable. Be polished and ready. I love to see a nice fitted jogging set, a tailored skirt, suit, or a great pair of jeans on a woman. Men do the same. Be clean and comfortable. A great button up and a pair of denim is always classic. A suit is great, especially when it has stretch fabric built in the inside for traveling. This eliminates wrinkles. Jogging suits are a cool option for men as well. A nice solid color with clean sneakers will make you look laid back and ready for your trip. Before I leave, let me reiterate the importance of keeping your personal hygiene bag close to you at all times. Refresh yourself when needed. We should always want to put our best face forward, our clothes speaking in confidence and our aroma smelling approachable. Your favorite style Queen Ms. Fallon Signing off


I could not think of a better way to end out the first year for Urban ELITE than to have a woman such as Fallon Seaborn introduced to those who have yet to become familiar with her blossoming career in the fashion industry. Very beautiful and equally as intelligent, Ms. Seaborn is on the rise to great endeavors and huge success. Already connected to great names in the fashion and hip hop industries, the first lady of "Bosses That Meet Bosses" talked with Urban ELITE all about her thoughts on the industry and her current and future projects. There's no question about this lady's drive and passion for what she loves....and if you look at her Myspace and Facebook photos...its clear she is definitely in the RIGHT career field!First of all thank you for the opportunity to speak with and interview you! For the Urban ELITE readers who are not familiar with you or your work, please tell everyone about yourself.
Thank you Shae for letting me be a part of such a great magazine! I truIy appreciate being interviewed by such a lovely young lady as yourself!:)

I decided to get into the fashion industry at a very young age. I was introduced to clothing from all the women in my family. I was so exposed to hi -end fashion. My grandmother was a seamstress and just a diva! Growing up was a fashion show. Everyone had their own individual style. The first break I received in the industry was working for an upscale boutique in Detroit called the Broadway. I started working there when I was 15 years old. All types of people from the entertainment industry, to the everyday working class shopped there. My mentor and a really good friend of mine named Dennis Greene helped me into the doors. He taught me to take fashion head on and not to be afraid of thinking outside the box.

So I understand that you are officially the "First Lady" of Bosses That Meet did you begin working with that company and Polo (The Fur King)?
I became the First Lady of Bosses That Meet Bosses in the earlier part of 2009. I met my manager Polo in 2006. We actually met on MySpace. He went to my page and started looking through my pics and noticed that I was a fashion stylist. From there he contacted me and we have been working together ever since. I’m titled the female Polo! [laughs] We work like crazy people and vampires! The two of us would be up on the phone for hours creating new looks and great new business ventures to enter off in. I feel he saw me in my first stages of my career and he also sees my growth. I work really hard! I just feel appreciative that he noticed that and was willing to be my booking manager and sign me to Bosses That Meet Bosses. Thanks P!

Has your clothing line "Feather" launched or is it still in development?
My clothing line Feather is in development. My partner Jodi Robinson and I are creating such an edgy yet classic style. Neither one of us is rushing the project. Where meeting great new people by the day and in the process coming up with really hot designs! The clothing line is more of our baby, so were nurturing it correctly! We already tested the L.A. market with the launch of a collection of dresses we did for LA Fashion Week 2009. The response was amazing and people loved them. Were just treading the water to see how far out we should swim. The ladies are responding positively. In that retro respect, were taking great pride in perfecting this ultra feminine; but sexy line.

What types of women does your line cater to?
Our clothing line has a split personality! [laughs]... I’m more of the edgy one and Jodi is into more simple; yet classic style clothing. Our line caters to a very curvy sophisticated woman that from time to time wants a piece that really makes a statement in the closet. Jodi and I have two great things in common. We both love the way clothes fit. No matter how edgy I get or how classic the item is, the fit is the key ingredient. We really pride ourselves on that aspect. The two of us are tall and curvaceous women. It’s difficult for us to buy clothes off the rack. We really wanted to cater to women that want to look great and appreciate their bodies at any size.

Do you have any major fashion pet peeves?
My major fashion pet peeves are everyone copying one another and not really incorporating anything of their own creativity into the look! People are thinking just because its designer or the hottest celeb had it on last week, that the look is FIERCE! [laughs] People! DESIGNER NAMES DOES NOT MAKE YOU FASHIONABLE! IT MAKES A LOT US BROKE!!!! ALSO, LADIES STOP WEARING LEOTARDS AS OUTFITS IN THE PUBLIC!!! WE ALL KNOW BEYONCE LOOKS GREAT; BUT SHE’S ON STAGE! CUT IT OUT LADIES!!!! Another peeve of mine is incredible looking outfits with very tasteless and cheap looking shoes, bad weaves and last but not least the men with 50 neon colors on! PLEASE! CUT IT OUT GUYS!!!!! It’s being passed ridiculous at this point!

What have you learned from being involved in the fashion industry?
I’ve learned to have very tough skin in this business! Everybody has an opinion on what style is and will not always agree with you on the look that you set fourth! Don’t get frustrated, just come to a great medium! Sometimes as a stylist we are so advanced that the average person might not catch on until years later! I always say fashion is like a baby. You can’t make them walk without attempting to crawl first! Relax! The client will come around. Give them some time to bump their heads. They’ll come crying and you will be right there to make it all right in the world of fashion!

Is there anything that makes your clothing line unique?
I think my clothing line is unique because it excites the eye! It has pieces that you need; but with a very updated twist.

Do you have any favorite things that you like to design?
I love to design t-shirts, jeans and jackets! I’m a hot pair of jeans, sexy hills, fitted top and smoking blazer to match kind of girl! I love fashion that has unique statement pieces.

What is your opinion on some of the latest fashion trends such as the "skinny jeans" and guys rockin' pink?
I like any trend that suits the person wearing it! What I don't like is everyone being Indians and no one is really trying to be a Chief! Stop being scared people! If boot cut or wide leg pants looks better on you, stick with what looks great! Trust me! You will save more money and time by buying what looks great oppose to what's in. I love men that wear pink.. but in moderation. If more men splashed the color in with navy or brightened up a boring brown suit, it looks amazing. Gentlemen! Stop trying to be Cam'ron or the leader of the Pink Panther Gang! [laughs] ..... Less in this case is always better!!'

Being from the Midwest as well (I am from Chicago) I have noticed the styles for women are a little different...possibly because of the weather differences. For example, in Chicago more girls wear bigger t-shirts and jeans whereas out here on the West Coast its more of a feminine look with the smaller tops or types of pants. Whats your thoughts or opinion on this?
I've traveled a lot of different places and that's why I completely understand why fashion is a multi billionaire business. Everyone has their own style and flavor due to religion, climate, nationality etc. I love that women interpret sexy in so many ways! Ladies can be so diverse in their dress code. They're noted to be gorgeous in their own right! Look at Beyonce, Mary J. Blige and Teyana Taylor. These three women all have different flavors and are all known to be style queens! Teyana wears her clothes with a bit of sag and over sized shirts, while Beyonce wears the hottest steal your man from underneath your nose dresses to Mary storming through with the hottest Louis Vuitton jacket that no one can get until next year. All these women have great diversity; but seem to bring it back to one simple point which is just looking bloody haute!!!

Is there anyone in particular that you would like to see in your designs or become a stylist for?
I would love to work with Beyonce and see her in one of my dresses or hot jackets. I love her!!!!!!

What would you say to someone trying to get into the fashion industry?
I would say to anyone entering this business to stay very prayerful, never lose sight of what you love, keep as many positive people around you as possible and keep your mental realm strong. With these tools you will overcome anything!

Do you have any major plans or events taking place in 2010?
One of the biggest ventures that I’m excited about for 2010, is that more articles will be floating around about me. I’m actually going to have a fashion column in a great magazine out here in L.A. I can’t reveal just yet; because we’re still in negotiations. The process of me writing a book for women is under way. It’s a go to guide that gives women great tips on how to shop like the stars; but on an affordable budget. Also the book gives great skin tips on how to use everyday products that most would never notice as a great facial enhancement. Healthy skin is a key ingredient. I want to share with more women my secrets on how to have a more polished look. I’m excited! Plus there will be motion picture films in the works for me as well. I’m moving more into that side of the fashion biz. Movies have always been my ultimate goal and looks like I’m finally getting the opportunity to wardrobe style. Stay tuned! I will keep everyone updated on everything!

How can people contact you for business or to learn more about you?
All individuals that would like to work with me please contact my manager Polo at 1-800-777-6578, PR Ms. Prina at my business line at 313.468.4215 I’m always looking for great new stylist, models, artist etc. Readers can stay in contact with me at,,, or my website is under construction and will be up shortly.

Is there anything else that you would like to mention or add to let the readers of Urban ELITE know?
Shout outs to my team Polo A.K.A (THEFURKING), Ms. Prina, Jodi Robinson, Dashana Williams, Leone Qualls, Marcus Redd, Jeff A.K.A. (VANITY SCIENTIST) Maggbeatz, Billy Blass, Prolificent and Belinda A.K.A. KATTPACK LOVE. Also big shout out to my Detroit team George Mckenney, Candice J. and Anthony from Eye Candy modeling! Much love to everyone!!!!


Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 3:28pm
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With… Fallon Seabon, FEATHER Clothing
Posted on January 25th, 2010 in 5 minutes 5 questions with, interview Exclusive Interview
5 Minutes, 5 Questions With…
Fallon Seaborn
(FEATHER Clothing)

Joey Pinkney: Where did you get the inspiration to be a part of the fashion industry?
Fallon Seaborn: My inspiration for wanting to be in the fashion industry honestly started at home. My grandmother was a seamstress. All the ladies in my family took dressing to another level.
My grandmother was extremely jazzy and just wore the best of the best. She hand made a lot of her own clothing from dresses and blouses to dress slacks. I always knew as a kid I would be into fashion and glamor.
JP: What sets your designs apart from other stylists? What do you provide that would make someone choose you over the others in your field of expertise?
FS: I feel I get picked for jobs over a lot of stylist because of my talent and personality. Some stylist feel they know everything, and that’s not true. I learn a lot from my clients and incorporate their personal style then add my twist to it.
I listen to my clients needs and not just what’s going to be hot. Yes, my client might look great. If they’re not comfortable, the look won’t come off as a winner.
As a stylist, you need to make sure you ease your client into HAUTENESS! Sometimes, fashion can be overwhelming to some. I’m not just a stylist. I’m a fashion therapist!
JP: Why did you decide to name your fashion line “Feather”, and what makes it unique?
FS: Believe it or not, my 10-year-old brother came up with the name for my clothing line. I was up all night thinking about a hot name that’s catchy, easy to pronounce, sexy, feminine and free. I was brainstorming out loud. Out of nowhere, my brother yells, “Feather!” I instantly fell in love with the name!
JP: Who are some of the people in the fashion industry that you look up to and emulate?
FS: I love Brea Stinson, June Ambrose, Misa, Patricia Fields and Phillip Bloch. I’m emulating June Ambrose and Patricia! I say these two because, like June, I have a fashion team that works with me. Plus, I’m writing my own book!
I emulate Patricia because I’m heading to movies for styling. I would love to wardrobe style a huge motion picture or a great sitcom. I study these women, and I learn what made them successful. Then I add my own twist, which many will see in the near future.
JP: What’s next for Fallon Seaborn?
FS: A lot is in the making for Moi’. I’m writing a motivational book for women. It will be a tool for skin care and great places to shop for less but still carry the designer labels. I’m also writing poetry that will be released inside the back of the book as well.
Currently I’m working on a independent film with Steven Bernheim. I will be styling the entire movie myself and showcasing pieces of my clothing line FEATHER for women.
I have a lot in the works. You may even see me on a Bravo show for styling soon! Keeping my fingers crossed on that one! Stay tuned because I always have something cooking and something ready to come from under my sleeves.
P.S. Join the Joey Reviews Newsletter at

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I laugh when I hear people ask that question. I don’t see why it’s so puzzling! To me, music and fashion go together like bread and butter! Yes! You can eat bread fresh from the oven without any topping; but wouldn’t it taste better with warm melted butter? Of course it would! That’s how I feel about music and fashion. The relationship is so strong. You have to look the part of the music that’s being represented. The art is respected more when you have the history behind the fashion and music. Perfect example, would you listen to Jeezy if he dressed like Mr. Rodgers? Yeah you would listen to him; but would he represent a vast majority if his fashion had no relationship with his lyrics! Let’s go to Beyonce, we all know B for representing diva, power, and sexiness. Would her lyrics match her if she showed up on red carpets dressed like Ugly Betty? It’s just like when an artist is painting a picture; his theme may be gloomy nights. When you think of gloom, you think of rain, dark colors like, black, deep purple, and navy blue.

The last thing you would correlate with gloom is a sunny day on the beach with tones of yellow, orange, soft blue, and crème. Some people think that it’s a stereotype type to categorize people. It’s been said, “If you dress urban you’re automatically into hip hop or if you dress contemporary you must be into r&b.” I don’t feel it’s a stereotype 100%. Let’s say if you saw an afro- American male dressed in a sarong with sandals going to a house party in Compton and Halloween has passed over three months ago. Not saying that it couldn’t happen; but you would wonder where this man was going. You would also wonder was he dressing like that to make people laugh. This can be looked at as a stereotype; or can be viewed as the style of dress not fitting the occasion. Fashion is really big, just like music is. The way you dress indicates to a lot of people what kind of person you are. Yes! This may sound shallow; but that’s just how the cookie crumbles. I say, “there is an advantage and disadvantage to everything in life.” The advantage with fashion and music is, you can tell a lot about a person with these two little words that mean so much. Don’t believe me? Let’s go to an example. Let’s say, you saw a woman walking on Wall Street trying to apply for a job and she is wearing a dress that is hot pink, extremely short, with 4-inch black hills. The first thing that comes to mind is the color and length is not appropriate for the occasion. She can easily fit the part of a model, or someone playing a scene in a music video; but job hunting in corporate America, maybe not. Yes! On one hand, we have stereotyped this woman but; the point is, it’s a time and place for everything. Artist is respected more when their craft is from the heart. People can tell when music and fashion don’t relate because the true essence of the culture is not being represented. The only way someone cannot see the strength in the two topics is when someone takes these two powerful gifts and abuses its natural correlation that connects all of us into being an individual!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009



Ladies! Have you ever wanted to surprise your man with a new look, recipe for dinner, or some hot new tango for the bed room? Of course you have! Some of us may need a little advice though. So let's start with the basics.

First off, we have to make sure we feel good and pampered! Nothing makes a woman feel sexier than pampering herself. One of the best ways to start your day off is getting a massage. This will loosen you up and take away some of that unwanted stress. If massages are not your thing, you may want to start off by getting a Mani and a Pedi. Go to your local nail salon and enjoy. Pick a color that both you and your man will love. If you have no clue to what that is, let your nail technician aid you in picking that great new color. Make sure it spices up your hands and toes.

After that’s completed, let's get something done to the hair. If your man loves you in bangs with brown highlights; but you love your blonde Jessica Simpson curls.... Maybe you too can come to a medium. Why drench your golden locks with auburn hair die? Let's keep your color but give your man the style. This way, you too can both have something you want.

Now for the women that just don't know how to update their look at all. Try going to your local beauty supply store and look inside of the hair magazines. They have so many styles to choose from. Heather Fawcett flips; the infamous bang, the Rihanna bob, and we all know the men love the Beyonce. Her big curls and up do's are a fast way into making the statement, " I'M DIVA HEAR ME ROARRRR!...(LOL) Personally I go on line and type in, celebrity hairstyles in the Google search box. Click on the link that says, images and just like that you have everything at your fingertips. Print off the one you favor the most and present it to your hair dresser.

Ladies! Don't be scared if your natural hair is short on Monday then down your back on Tuesday. Trust me honey, if your due looks good, no one will care! They will be so focused on how good you look they will forget all about your overnight miracle growth!;) For the ladies that have long hair and want to try the Rihanna cut or Keri Hilson's sexy bob. Go and get yourself a regular or lace front wig, sew in weave or a quick weave. This way you can keep your long mane and play with different looks without touching your natural length. Fake hair is ok ladies! It's a part of being a girl. You know the old song by Whitney Houston, "I'm Every Woman." Well, we can be that with the flip of the color or a little added hair. Who says we can't look like Marry J. Blige on Wednesday and Mariah Carey on Thursday? Were women and we have earned that right so enjoy!!!

After you've gotten that due and you look like the next hottest thing since Stacey Dash on the cover of King Magazine. Let's get those eyebrows done. Arching your eyebrows gives such a groomed and lifted look. If you have thin eyebrows, bye an eyebrow kit. I personally am in love with my compact from Benefit. It is so small and easy as 123. You pick these kits up at Sephora. The beauty consultants there are very helpful. Ask for assistance if you’ve never drawn in your own eyebrows before. We don't want you walking out looking like an unsightly drag queen!

While getting a woman's look together there is nothing like adding a little makeup to the equation. Women are diamonds and we all want to shine like star studded babes. So, let's aim for soft and pretty. The look should be fresh and put together without tons of products on ones face. I love Bare Minerals. This makeup is great for all skin types. It looks natural and is very light with great coverage. It literally takes 5 minutes to apply and you have a gorgeous complexion. All you need is a light coverage to even out your skin tone, concealor, hint of blush, and a great lipstick with a shimmery gloss. Let's not forget to curl those lashes ladies. Get Shu Uemura eye lash curler from Sephora. Trust me you will thank me later. Last but most definitely not least a great mascara. I use BADgal Lash from Sephora of course. It makes my lashes long and flirty. Curly lashes could be more of your thing, so try Dior Show. You will get length plus a great curl or do what most divas do and get semi permanent lashes. Very hot if you have the right person putting them on. Be careful though! You don't want to look like you have little hairy caterpillars growing from your eyes! YIKES! NOT CUTE!!!

Here comes my favorite part! Let’s go shopping for clothes! (YAAAAY:) What is it about you and your body that you love to show off the most? Is it your eyes, lips, breast, hips, thighs, legs, or your bum bum? One or more of these can be played up in a very seductive yet lady like manner. Find out what your man is really into and play around those grounds. If your man is a leg and breast man, make sure you wear a dress that shows off the cleavage and hits right below the knee! Yes! Ladies below the knee. Where aiming for sexy not give it all you got in one shot!!!! Men love to have something to look forward too. You don't want to give dessert first; because he may not want to stick around for the main course! So play up the twins in front and tease him with a hint of freshly waxed legs. Trust me, he will be begging for more!

On the other hand, some men could care less about women’s breast. There are those few who are solely into the derrière. If this describes your man, then pick something that compliments your Gluteus Maximus. Make sure the dress curves in your waist line and lays flat on your hips. Jeans can be a great choice as well. Curvy women look awesome in D-Cuts, Joe Jeans or PZI. These jean lines offer darts on the waist and adds a lift to your bottom. Make sure the fit on your dress or jeans aren't too tight! We can't have you out looking like ShaNayNay!...(LOL) were aiming for sensual and effortless sex appeal. Take one of your really honest girlfriends to your favorite store or boutique. Grab a really cool sales person and between the three of you, you should be able to come up with the right choice.

After you have selected your outfit, time for shoe shopping. Some women would say I'm backwards because most people bye there shoes first then there ensemble. I say, "Whatever floats your boat, as long as your boat is in the river streaming the waters." If you’re a stiletto type of girl that loves high heels like me. Then you should look into designers such as Report Signatures, Gucci, Stewart Weitzman, or Jimmy Choo. Now, all of us don't want to cough up that type of doe unless are boo is footing the bill. So, try designers that offer great looks; but allows you to keep money for accessories and a bite to eat! I swear by Jessica Simpson’s shoe line, Paris Hilton, BEBE, Steve Madden, Aldo, Bakers, and Via Spiga. These designers offer great shoes with even better prices. If hooked up with the right look you could stand next to JLo and wouldn't feel too upstaged. Even if you are a woman that wants to look adorable in wedges or ballet flats; all these designers have something great to compliment your style.

Women we have covered the nitty gritty. Let's get a little playful and sensual at the same time. I like to call this part, "Fantasy Island." This is when are inhabitations need to be tossed aside and have a little fun. I know you’re wondering what I'm talking about! Lingerie of course! Now you want to really think about giving your man some serious eye candy. Let's get something sexy, adorable and pretty. Where killing three birds with one stone. If you find something that has all three of these qualities your giving your man whatever he is into. If you buy something too sexy he may think it's over the top and raunchy. Going too adorable can make him pinch the cheeks on your face instead of the cheeks below the waist and pretty always seems like a great option right? Wrong! Sometimes picking something to delicate and pretty can make your man want to just admire and not mess up the look. So why not cover all bases and give him a taste of all three! Think of this as spices on food. We all love Lawry's seasoning salt; but too much of it can destroy the taste of a really good meal! I love shopping at La Perla, Victoria Secret, Macy’s and we can't forget Fredrick's Of Hollywood. With this list I'm sure you'll find the perfect piece to send your man over the edge.

Speaking of Victoria Secret and Macy’s we can't forget a great bottle of perfume. Nothing turns a man on more than a woman that smells as good as she looks. So bounce over too one of those counters and find that unique smell. Let's focus on your body chemistry. Do you like sweet smells, woodsy, or perfumes that have allot of oils like lavender and rosemary? You have to get something that both of you love. Now, if you two aren't the perfume type aim for body oils. This gives the skin a great glow and just a hint of your favorite aroma. Place the oils or perfume in your hot spots! Don't know where they are? Well that's why I'm here:) Your hot spots are behind your ears, under your breast, in-between your elbows, belly button, and the back of your knees. This is a known fact that when your body heats up it will kick your perfume or oil into over drive. Your scent will last in the sheets for days!!!

So we have discussed material objects that will get your man's attention; but what about the basics? Like some good edible treats. This can be fruit, chocolate sauce, caramel, whip crème or something great for dinner. Find out what your man's favorite dish is. This can be spaghetti with meatballs, filet mignon with poached potatoes and a side of asparagus, or some good old' fried chicken. Whatever he likes that's what you make! No matter if he eats it all the time. Remember," if it's not broke don't try to fix it!" The best way too having your man gaga over you is fixing him his favorite dish. If you can't cook don't worry, get his favorite carry out and bring it to the house. Set the table with pretty dishes and romantic candles. This sets the mood for a night to remember.

Everything is in place as far as shopping, hair and nails; but what about you’re most precious accessory? What is it you ask? Your skin silly. The skin has to be taken care of if you want to last in your man's brain cells all day. He will never forget how soft you felt against him. Just by him touching you, can drive him to frenzy. Let's start off with running you a bath. Make sure you have well lit candles around the tub, soft music and essential oils to soothe the skin. Soak for thirty minutes and think about nothing but how good you feel at that moment. Now that the oils have settled into your skin, it's time to exfoliate. I love the body scrubs from Victoria Secret or pure sea salt from Body and Bath. They get rid of all the dead skin cells on your body and leave you remarkably smooth. Once that's completed and you start to feel like a baby's bottom cleanse yourself off with your favorite body wash or bath soap. I prefer classic Dove. It makes my skin silky and irresistible to touch.

Body softness is so important; but what's more important is your face. This is the first thing that everyone sees. Make sure you cleanse your skin to perfection. If you have gentle to normal skin, try using Cetaphil cleanser. If you have oily to more acne prone skin try Neutrogena oil free wash. After washing your face exfoliate. Normal to dry skin can use Apricot Scrub in normal and oily to acne prone skin can use the scrub in oily prone. Scrub for two minutes then rinse. Place an astringent like Witch Hazel to the skin. Soak cotton balls with the astringent and wipe over your entire face. This will get rid of any unsightly residue on the skin. Next step is moisturizing. I personally love Oil of Olay Night Creme. It soothes the skin and settles wrinkles.

We have covered so many topics haven't we ladies? This is like making beef stew. We have are pot, potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, seasoning, but what's stew without the beef? So let's put everything in perspective. Have your man come to your house or if you’re married make sure you have planned this while he is out for work or running errands. Have your skin feeling like velvet, place your soft makeup on, touch up your hair, slide into that sexy outfit, and slip on those new shoes and have your lingerie sitting pretty on the bed. As your man walks in make sure you have the lights dim, the music soft and nothing; but the aroma of good food, and scented oils. Sit by the table and wait for your man to see where you’re at. Trust! Whenever a man's scenes’ are being tested he will want to find out where it's coming from. Just wait by the dinner table looking just as gorgeous as you are. Let him admire how great you look. He will probably try to attack you but whisper softly in his ear and tell him, “Good things come to those who wait.” Feed him, run him a hot bath, let him undress you and yes your back in the tub but this time with your man. Pamper him the same way you did yourself. He will never forget that moment! Dry off and massage each other with scented oils. Show him the lingerie and tell him to help you slide into it. He will look at you like your crazy because the point is to have nothing on right?...(LOL) Convince him that you have a surprise for him and he will be a little more interested. After the lingerie is on give him a little strip tease. Pretend you’re that sex kitten you always fantasized about. Have a glass of wine to loosen you up and enjoy the moment of having all eyes on you! Now! What happens after the strip tease is solely on you! I’ve done my part! Now shimmy off and remember these fashion tips along with other great tips from this list and thank me later. Your favorite style queen Ms. Fallon signing off! CHOW;)